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Earth Day 2024
Earth Day 2024Photography by Sophie Hemels, @francismorrismorrison

Earth Day: 12 Photos Capturing the Sublime Beauty of the Great Outdoors

With photos spanning the Antarctic icebergs to Albania’s Accursed Mountains, here are the winning submissions from our annual Earth Day photography competition – each distilling the world’s sublime, spellbinding beauty

Lead ImageEarth Day 2024Photography by Sophie Hemels, @francismorrismorrison

To celebrate Earth Day 2024, earlier this month we put out an open call on Instagram for images that distil the sublime beauty of our natural world. After receiving hundreds of submissions from applicants around the globe, we have selected 12 photographs, each with a joyful and unique perspective on the world. Amsterdam-based photographer Sophie Hemels’ submission depicts lovers entwined in nature, carefree amid the Dutch grasslands; London-based visual artist Will Bruce captures an idyllic landscape at the Accursed Mountains in Albania; while Annabel Holden ventured to Antarctica, capturing a magical photograph on film of a lonely penguin atop a melting bergy bit. Together, these works exist as a testament to the magic of the natural world, raising awareness of all that could be lost if climate issues continue to be neglected.

Take a look at our favourite submissions in the gallery below.