The Magic Mountain Lodge, Chile

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The Magic Mountain Lodge in Huilo-Huilo Chile
The Magic Mountain Lodge in Huilo-Huilo Chile

A magic mountain lodge complete with waterfall and surrounding jungle wins the Love vote for Thea Charlesworth

What are we running from on AnOther Loves? Clearly winter has hit hard as escapism has been the focus for the past few weeks – from a House Made of Windows in the American forest to this week’s victorious post, the Magic Mountain Lodge in Chile, chosen by AnOther’s photographic producer Thea Charlesworth. Nestled in the heart of the Huilo-Huilo nature reserve, served by a rope bridge and grazed by pudú, the world’s smallest deer, it is undoubtedly the ideal place to escape the looming frenzy of the festive period.

The Magic Mountain hotel is perfect for the adventurous traveller looking for an eco-friendly Disney Castle experience, but it may not suit everyone. Thankfully, a scoot round the internet has proved that somewhere, somehow, all tastes can be served. If Chile is too warm for you, Quebec’s Hôtel de Glace provides spectacular accommodation carved entirely from ice, while the plane fanatic is well served in Sweden, where a 1976 jumbo jet has been converted into an unconventional hotel, complete with a penthouse suite in the former cockpit. Things only get weirder in Berlin, where the City Lodge provides a variety of options for the thrill-seeking visitor, including nights inside a coffin, a padded cell, cages or, for maximum bewilderment, in a room where all the furniture has been attached to the ceiling.

Here at AnOther, it’s the moss covered mountain in Chile with the waterfall and the tiny deer that’s captured our hearts, so, as we dream of a jungle escape, we ask Charlesworth what inspired her Love and who she'd like to run away with.

Why did you love this lodge?
What is there not to love? Its a real life hobbit house. With the added accessory of a waterfall. As far away from London streets as you can get.

Who would you take with you for a holiday?
My best mate Martha. We agreed the other week we would never run out of conversation; it is pure nonsense that comes out of mouths, but there's never a dull moment.

This is a great place to start an adventure – what would you wear for setting out into the unknown?
Emma Cook obviously.

Where is your favourite retreat?
Home. Norfolk, pugs, Aga warmth and surrounded by family.

What’s the best hideaway in film or fiction?
Narnia.. ah Mr. Tumnus. I would have loved to have found him in my cupboard.

Name your three jungle essentials?
Cashmere blanket,  a copy of Jitterbug Perfume by Tom Robbins, the Best of Hot Chocolate album.

What are you looking forward to about winter?
Christmas trot. I love how jolly London gets. Morale really picks up.

What was the last thing you bought?
Aside from lunch? Coincidentally, it was the Lonely Planet Guide for Vietnam and Cambodia. My next adventure.